Vervis is a work-in-progress federated project and repository hosting and collaboration platform. Its development is meant to help form the ForgeFed specification for project hosting platform federation, and hopefully get existing platforms (such as Forgejo, Gitea, GitLab CE, etc.) to support it.
Vervis is meant to be just a backend. We're working on the Anvil frontend application.
Vervis is a web application written in the Haskell programming language and the Yesod web framework. It's free as in freedom, under AGPLv3. It's being developed primarily by Pere (he/him), who can be found in the Forge Federation Matrix room and on the Fediverse.
Vervis currently supports Git and Darcs repositories.
Contributions very welcome!
- Vervis web app Git repository with the source code
- Mirror on Codeberg
- Matrix:
- ForgeFed website
This project is funded through NGI0 Entrust, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet program. Learn more at the NLnet project page.
- ~fr33domlover fr33domlover
- ~dachary dachary
- ~meow meow
- ~earlwarren earlwarren
- ~samples samples
- 👑 ~ak ak
- ~medebi medebi
- 👑 ~perelev perelev
- ~akkartik akkartik
- ~rvba rvba
- ~gbirasek gbirasek
- ^9GnzG Somewhat amusing experiment
- ^l0X2R my_introduction
- ^DZN6Z foo
- ^zZMV0 gox
- ^VZVqR fork-test-1
- ^LG3v0 fork-test-2
Ticket Trackers
Merge Request Trackers
- $9GnzG Test1
- $l0X2R Test2
- $DZN6Z Test3
- Children
- $zZMV0 P
- Children
- $OZLdZ Q
- Children
- Children
- Components
- $LG3v0 GRAPE-project
- $WZpnG ZZZ-Project
- $nRbL0 ZZZ-Project-2
- Components
- $O0W6Z ABC-Project
- Components